Thought only Japanese matcha was a green tea superfood? Think again… Lab testing on our green teas from South India has shown that these teas are too very rich in antioxidants, with one richer than your average cup of matcha!

Our green teas from South India are produced by the Tea Studio, a state-of-the art microfactory located in the Blue Mountains of Tamil Nadu. These include: Malabar Maofeng; Indian Kukicha; Dewdrop Green, and Green Dragon.  

As leaf to make these teas is sourced from a network of small farms, it's hard to certify these teas as organic. And so these teas are regularly sent to the SGS Institut Fresenius in Germany be to be tested for chemical inputs. Here they’re put through one of the most rigorous possible testing sequences: the 'Complex Matrix 600+', a test that looks for 600 different chemical field inputs.

Not only has the lab found that teas from the Tea Studio have 'no residues of the analysed pesticides', but they also discovered that one in particular- Malabar Maofeng- had the highest level of antioxidants (3,045 µmol). This compared to an antioxidant level of 1800 μmol for Japanese matcha that was tested.

This officially makes our Malabar Maofeng a super healthy drink as its packed with antioxidants. As we know from modern scientific research, antioxidants help to “neutralise” harmful molecules in our bodies and may help protect the body’s cells from damage and reduce the risk of certain health problems like heart disease or cancer.

Often it’s assumed that tea that's rich in antioxidants is also high in caffeine. Whilst this is certainly the case for matcha (which has an average of 50mg to 100mg of caffeine per cup), the results showed that Malabar Maofeng only has a caffeine content of 15mg.  

So if you’re sensitive to caffeine but still want your daily dose of antioxidants, you may want to switch your matcha to your Malabar Maofeng.

Try it here.


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