
5 Tips for Buying Better Tea

5 Tips for Buying Better Tea

Tea is one of the most beloved beverages in the world, coming second after water in terms of global consumption. Given that tea is such a staple in our lives, our daily cup is a good place to start when we’re thinking about consuming a bit more mindfully this Christmas.
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Spicy, Sweet Buttery Biscuits

Spicy, Sweet Buttery Biscuits

These slightly savoury, slightly sweet buttery biscuits are sprinkled with jeera or zeera (cumin) and are delicious on their own, but just perfect with served with a chai as they often are in India.
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The Best of Darjeeling

The Best of Darjeeling

The fertile misty hills of Darjeeling in the Indian Himalayas produce some of the world's most highly prized tea, and so we're excited to finally add a Darjeeling tea to our collection.
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New Teas from South India

New Teas from South India

Our latest teas from The Tea Studio have arrived and they are better than ever. We have three new green teas all made from the same Assamica leaf, but very different styles. The Tea Studio is part of a new wave of producers across India who have been energising the local tea industry in recent years. 

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And the Award Goes To...

And the Award Goes To...

The Great Taste judging panel 2022 have given several of our teas their seal of approval by awarding them with coveted gold stars.
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Last Call for Summer Cocktails

Last Call for Summer Cocktails

It may still be nice and warm outside, but in reality the last of the summer is upon us..! Before the back to school, back to work mentality sinks in, see the season out in style with a delicious tea infused cocktail. 
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