Thé Oolong de l'Himalaya, 35 g

NOTES DE DEGUSTATION : Crémeux, fleuri printanier, boisé

Un thé très spécial de la vallée de Kangra ; un croisement entre un thé noir léger et un thé vert frais, donnant une saveur aux pures notes florales printanières et aux arômes boisés de sous-bois.

Fabriqué par Mann Garden, entreprise familiale depuis six générations, c'est l'un des thés emblématiques de cette région productrice de thé relativement méconnue et qui combine les pratiques régionales traditionnelles avec l'inspiration de la Chine et de Taiwan.

Kangra se trouve au pied des sommets enneigés de la chaîne de montagnes du Dhauladhar (une partie de la chaîne himalayenne) dans l'État de l'Himachal Pradesh, au nord-ouest de l'Inde, à une altitude de 4 000 à 6 000 pieds. L'environnement naturel immaculé entouré de forêts de pins et parsemé de ruisseaux et de lacs impétueux, donne aux thés d'ici un caractère vert vif qui leur est propre.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Tom Kernan
My Favourite Tea

Of the three green or greenish teas, I source from Karma, Shangri-La Oolong is my number one favourite. I enjoy drinking this tea at any time of the day and always look forward to its wonderful colour and feel in my mouth. I brew these tea leaves at least three times and the second brew is always my favourite

Jean Croft
Very Refreshing

This is my favourite tea so far and enjoyed without milk and brewed not too strong. Very refreshing.

Brian Battensby
Buy it, try it, love it!

I was told that the second brew of an Oolong tea is always better than the first brew.

WRONG! This Oolong is excellent from the very first sip.

A stonking brew. Just love it! So full of flavour - nutty, fruity, smoky.

It is a purely decandent brew. When drinking it, I feel I should be sitting in a huge leather chair, in front of a roaring log fire, in an oak paneled room in a house by a Loch, with a sleeping dog at feet.

Truth be told, I'm far from that image, although there is a Loch within walking distance!

My first oolong and it's lovely

This is my first oolong tea that I've tried so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. The taste and the scent reminded me of roasted grains and nuts, something like dark rye bread, which reminds me of home and is comforting.